Research as to the added value of the effect of a set of osteopathic techniques on the gut-brain axis in people with depression: a single blind randomized controlled clinical trial.


Research as to the added value of the effect of a set of osteopathic techniques on the gut-brain axis in people with depression: a single blind randomized controlled clinical trial.
Research as to the added value of the effect of a set of osteopathic techniques on the gut-brain axis in people with depression: a single blind randomized controlled clinical trial.
NAME: Beijeman, R. TUTOR: Gorte, H. CO-PROMOTOR: Kasper, B. METHODOLOGICAL TUTOR: Quaghebeur, J. YEAR: 2020 TITLE: Gut-brain axis and depression: an osteopathic approach. RESEARCH TITLE: Research as to the added value of the effect of a set of osteopathic techniques on the gut-brain axis in people with depression: a single blind randomized controlled clinical trial. BACKGROUND: Depression has a high prevalence among the world's population. Only limited scientific research has been found on the osteopathic approach related to depression. The gut-brain axis is one of the various hypotheses explaining the cause of depression and somatic complaints. OBJECTIVE: Asses the importance of a set of osteopathic techniques, in addition to psychological care, on the degree of depression and somatic complaints in subjects with depression. The Beck depression inventory (BDI) and the subdivision somatic complaint of the 4DSQ (4DSQ4-SOM) were used for evaluation. METHODS: Twenty-seven subjects with depression were randomly allocated into an experimental and control group. The experimental group received the osteopathic techniques twice within a timeframe of four weeks, in addition to psychological treatment. The control group received only psychological care. RESULTS: The studied group (n=28), 34.3 (± 9,92) years of age, BMI of 26.1 (± 4,4), BDI 25,48 (± 6,72) and 4DSQ-SOM 13,37 (± 7,82) showed no preliminary differences (ANOVA p >0.05) between the experimental and a control group. Compared to the control group, the BDI showed a significant improvement for the degree of depression (Wilks lambda p = 0.003) after four weeks in the experimental group. The 4DSQ somatic complaints improved significantly compared to the control group (Wilks lambda p = 0.003). DISCUSSION: A larger study population is needed to draw accurate conclusions. CONCLUSSION: The techniques applied show significant effects on the degree of depression in the BDI and somatic complaints in the 4DSQ. More research is needed to draw conclusions.
KEYWORDS: Depression; somatic complaints, osteopathic techniques, symptoms, gut-brain axis
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Date Accepted
Date Submitted
21.8.2020 10:57:27
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Depression; somatic complaints, osteopathic techniques, symptoms, gut-brain axis
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“Research as to the added value of the effect of a set of osteopathic techniques on the gut-brain axis in people with depression: a single blind randomized controlled clinical trial.”, Osteopathic Research Web, accessed May 18, 2024,