Url https://www.osteopathic-research.com/s/orw/item/223 Title Effects of osteopathic manipulation of the cervical fascia in tinnitus. A cuasiexperimental study Creator Lacasa Polo, Irene; Secall Viñallonga, Agnes; Vicente Domenech, Sergi Subject Tinnitus, fascia Type osteo_thesis Identifier 16114 Language Spanish Alternative Title Efecte de la manipulació osteopàtica de la fascia cervical en pacients afectats per tinnitus. Estudi quasi-experimental. Medium Lacasa_Secall_Vicente.pdf Date Accepted 2015 Date Submitted 28.5.2018 18:02:52 Owner 62 Presented at 1483 Status 0 Identifier 1049 Number of pages 71 --