A quasi-experimental clinical essay, pilot study, a comparation of the postural changes before and after Total Body Adjustment and the technique of the Three Diafragms in healthy adults


A quasi-experimental clinical essay, pilot study, a comparation of the postural changes before and after Total Body Adjustment and the technique of the Three Diafragms in healthy adults
Ensayo clínico cuasiexperimental, estudio piloto, comparación de los cambios posturales pre y post "total body adjustement" y técnica de tres diafragmas en adultos sanos
Ortega Canet, Ana
The aim of this work is to know how interesting it happens to be the “Total Body Adjustment” versus the treatment of the three diaphragms - respiratory, pelvic and higher thoracic - and vice versa in the search of variability for the patient's posture. This pilot study is defined as a quasi-experimental, longitudinal, prospective, random, single-blind, clinical essay with a comparative study of means using the T-test of Student and the Levene’s test to assess the equality of variances. The patients have participated voluntarily in the project, being healthy male and female adults (18-50 years) in equal conditions, of white and Mediterranean race and residents in Barcelona who were not following an osteopathic treatment or a global postural reeducation at the time of the study, who were not taking medicines or drugs and were not in state. The treatment of the three diaphragms has obtained the best results, especially in women. Therefore, we believe that a weekly treatment of three diaphragms for a total of four weeks provides better results in the variability of the posture, according to the ideal of J.M. Littlejohn than the “Total Body Adjustment” treatment.
Consideramos, entonces, que un tratamiento semanal de los tres diafragmas durante un total de cuatro semanas aporta mejores resultados en la variabilidad de la postura según el ideal de J.M. Littlejohn que el tratamiento mediante el “Total Body Adjustment”.El tratamiento de los tres diafragmas ha sido el que mejores resultados ha obtenido, especialmente en mujeres.El estudio se define como piloto del tipo ensayo clínico cuasi experimental, longitudinal, prospectivo, aleatorio y simple ciego con estudio comparativo de medias mediante el test de la T de Student y prueba de Levene para la igualdad de varianzas. Los pacientes han formado parte del proyecto de forma voluntaria siendo personas sanas, hombres y mujeres mayores de edad (18-50 años) en igualdad de condiciones, de raza blanca y mediterránea y residentes en Barcelona que no se encontraban siguiendo un tratamiento osteopático o de reeducación postural global en el momento del estudio, que no ingerían fármacos o drogas y que no se encontraban en estado.La finalidad del trabajo realizado es la de conocer cuán interesante resulta ser el “Total Body Adjustment” frente al abordaje de los diafragmas - respiratorio, pélvico y torácico superior - y viceversa frente a la búsqueda de la variabilidad de la postura del paciente.
Date Accepted
Date Submitted
16.11.2015 13:14:31
Number of pages
Submitted by:
body adjustment; diaphragm
Item sets

Ortega Canet, Ana, “A quasi-experimental clinical essay, pilot study, a comparation of the postural changes before and after Total Body Adjustment and the technique of the Three Diafragms in healthy adults”, Osteopathic Research Web, accessed April 28, 2024, https://www.osteopathic-research.com/s/orw/item/2313