Url https://www.osteopathic-research.com/s/orw/item/3082 Title Does a visceral treatment have an effect on the parietal system? A Case Study using the example of the arthritic hip and the pelvic organs Creator Gosch Daniela Subject Viscerosomatic;Arthrose;Hip Type osteo_thesis Identifier 11981 Language German Alternative Title Wirkt sich eine viszerale Behandlung auf das parietale System aus? Eine Studie am Beispiel der arthrotischen Hüfte und der Unterbauchorgane Medium Daniela Gosch_deut_KZFengl_1.12.pdf Date Accepted 2010 Date Submitted 13.12.2010 10:49:43 Owner 62 Presented at 108 Status 0 Identifier 781 Number of pages 87 --